The driving aptitude seminar in the Ordinance on the Admission of Persons to Road Traffic (§ 42 Driving License Ordinance – FeV)
(1) The driving aptitude seminar consists of an educational traffic measure and a psychological traffic measure. The partial measures are to be coordinated by mutual information of the respective seminar leaders.
The traffic education part of the driving aptitude seminar
(2) The traffic education sub-measure aims to impart knowledge about risk behavior, improve risk awareness, encourage self-reflection and develop behavioral alternatives. It comprises two modules of 90 minutes each in accordance with Annex 16. In addition to the teaching and learning methods and media listed there, methods and media that guarantee the same learning success may also be used. The competent authority under federal state law shall decide on the suitability of the methods and media and may obtain an independent scientific opinion from a suitable body for the assessment. The partial traffic education measure can be carried out as an individual measure or in groups of up to six participants.
(3) Module 1 of the traffic education sub-measure comprises the following components:
- Individual module “Seminar overview”,
- Participant-related presentation of the individual driver’s career and safety responsibility,
- Participant-related representation of the individual importance of mobility,
- Presentation of the individual importance of mobility as homework,
- Individual module “Explanation of the driving fitness assessment system”,
- Fact-based modules on traffic rules and legal consequences of infringements with the following variants:
a) Speed,
b) Distance,
c) Right of way and turning,
d) Overtaking,
e) Loading,
f) Using the phone in the vehicle,
g) Alcohol and other intoxicating substances,
h) Criminal offenses, - Consolidation module “Exercise to clarify the individual mobility situation” and
- Homework module “Exercise in self-observation”.
(4) Module 2 of the traffic education sub-measure comprises the following components:
- Evaluation of the homework,
- action-related modules on risk behavior and accident consequences and
- Consolidation module “individual safety responsibility”.
(5) The selection of the offense-related modules in accordance with paragraphs 3 and 4 shall be made by the seminar leader depending on the traffic violations described in the individual driver histories. Module 2 of the partial traffic education measure may be started at the earliest one week after completion of module 1.
The traffic psychology part of the driving aptitude seminar
(6) The aim of the traffic psychology sub-measure is to show the participant the connections between the conditions that trigger and maintain the irregular traffic behavior. It is intended to encourage the participant to reflect and create a willingness to change. It comprises two sessions of 75 minutes each and is to be carried out as an individual measure.
(7) Session 1 of the traffic psychology sub-measure serves to analyze behavior, develop a functional condition model and work out solution strategies. It includes
- The development of the internal and external conditions that trigger and maintain traffic violations as a behavioral analysis,
- the development of the functionality of the misconduct in the form of a means-ends relationship,
- the activation of personal strengths and support options as well as motivational work,
- the preparation of written target agreements, these include
a) the specification of the target behavior in the form of solution strategies,
b) the definition of reinforcers, rewards and positive consequences and
c) the definition of the steps to be achieved and - the homework assignments “Self-observation of behavior in critical situations” and “Testing the new target behavior”.
(8) Session 2 of the partial traffic psychology measure serves to consolidate the solution strategies. It includes
- Discussion of the experiences from the self-observation,
- discussing compliance with the target agreements,
- the development and refinement of behavioral strategies and
- the activation of personal strengths and support options as well as motivational work.
(9) Session 2 of the partial traffic psychology measure may begin at the earliest three weeks after the end of session 1.
Qualifications of traffic educators and traffic psychologists
The traffic education part of the FES seminar can be carried out in a driving school by a driving instructor with a corresponding seminar permit as an individual measure or in groups with a maximum of six participants. It consists of two modules, each lasting 90 minutes, the content of which is specified in Annex 16 of the Driving License Ordinance . Between the modules, the participants should carry out “self-observation exercises” as part of a homework assignment. The modules must be carried out at least one week apart.
The traffic psychology part of the driving aptitude seminar according to § 71 FeV with reduction of points in Flensburg is carried out by a traffic psychologist with a corresponding seminar license.
Certificate of attendance and points deduction
At the end of the driving aptitude seminar, you will receive a qualified certificate of attendance completed jointly by the traffic psychologist and the traffic educator, in which you also sign, for submission to your driving license authority, which also entitles you to a reduction of one point if you have 1-5 points.