Qualified assistance with shortening of the ban period and mitigation of the sentence by your judge

If you drive with an alcohol level of at least 1.1 per mille or repeatedly drive with an alcohol level of this magnitude or drive under the influence of drugs, you will have to undergo legal proceedings which may result in your driving license being revoked for several months to five years, a heavy fine or, if the consequences of your driving under the influence of alcohol are severe or if you drive repeatedly, possibly even a prison sentence.
Another case is if you have committed a traffic offense such as unauthorized removal from the scene of an accident or intentional driving without a license and have received a penalty order for this.
Show your judge that you have dealt with the alcohol, drug driving or other traffic offense(s) and have effectively prepared yourself to avoid similar incidents in the future. As specialists in this field, we will be happy to help you. Our individual traffic psychology rehabilitation seminar can help you in court to mitigate your sentence and shorten your ban period and restore your freedom and mobility in road traffic. Seminars for sentence mitigation are based on the requirements of the court. Experience has shown that these comprise at least 5 individual hours. For traffic offenses without alcohol or drugs, courts also accept the driving aptitude seminar. Talk to the judge or have a lawyer do this for you.
At the end of our joint work, you will receive a qualified certificate of participation for your sentence reduction and shortening of the barring period to present to your lawyer and judge.

Our first customer review for a traffic psychology consultation in the context of court proceedings with mitigation of punishment:
Kompetent, vertrauensvoll.
Herr Klarnetsis ist ein sehr kompetenter Psychologe. Ich denke, er könnte genauso erfolgreich ein Psychotherapeut sein. Seine vertrauensvolle Art ist sehr wohlfühlend. Es war ein sehr bereicherndes Seminar. Vielen herzlichen Dank❣️
Response from Verkehrspsychologische Praxis Fahr fit und sicher
Vielen Dank für Ihre guten herzlichen Worte! Wir konnten auch wegen Ihrer Offenheit effektiv zusammenarbeiten. Der psychologische Teil des FES-Seminars ist zwar kurz, Sie haben aber eine positive Einstellung zu einer künftig noch achtsameren Fahrweise mitgebracht, auf welcher wir aufgebaut haben. Ich bin zuversichtlich, dass unsere gemeinsam erarbeiteten Denkanstöße bei Ihnen dauerhaft fruchten werden. Ihnen alles Gute!